Sunday, December 17, 2006

I was just browsing through some pics this morning and stumbled upon this one. Do any of you remember when it was taken? Of course I do. But, as a reminder for those of you who may have forgotten, this picture was take during the pink ladies birthday party. And, one of the men in the photo had literally just gotten out of the hospital. When I see this picture, I am reminded of the happiness that consumed my life as well as those around me. I was told that these two were spotted somewhere and were making a move back to this happy place. I did some investigating and it is true. No, not rumors, true true true...Can't wait to see them again.....I know that I have missed them terribly as I am sure that many others have too.

Happy happy joy joy........



Blogger Dustin said...

I'm gleeful :-)

7:49 AM  

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