Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well ladies and gentlemen, I exercised my privilege to vote. Yes, you read it, PRIVILEGE. I know that my vote did count. We all should have the same attitude toward casting our ballot. You see, I just feel that not enough citizens feel as if his or her vote counts. But, my friends, it does. The simple act of not casting your vote sends a message too! I would venture to bet that more registered voters turn out to buy a lottery ticket than they do to vote. WOW! Imagine, if you will, how many voters would show up at the poles if there were a chance to win the lottery attached to your vote. I think the odds of winning your "voice" in congress or the senate is more likely to happen that ever winning the lottery. Chew on that spicey dish for a moment.

Now, OUT TO WIN is not about giving any given group of people SPECIAL privileges. It is about giving everyone the option of equality. The VOTE NO on 1 referendum is a huge initiative in that regard. I was approached with the question of, "Why would any gay couple really want to get married? Why would you want to have to battle things out in court when you can basically walk away? Divorces get messy. Then there is the whole issue with custody of children. There are so many reasons as to not get married. Why push for the amendment?"

I tell you, it is about giving everyone the option to choose and exercise that option if they want to. It is that simple. Next, we will be voting whether or not to let certain groups of people vote! Or hold political offices for the fear that he or she may have an influence on the "wrong" or "right" people. You see, the stigma is, and always will be, ever present. There are still many many people who feel that African-Americans are still sub-citizens. How many years, tears, blood, sweet and hard work have to occur before every man, woman, child, gay, lesbian, transgender, transsexual, black, white, Asian, Jew, Christian, Muslim, Pagan, ETC.....is treated as and given his and her born right? You see, when one starts creating a dish, one thinks of all the ingredients that will eventually go into the pot. Gumbo, so many ingredients, so many flavors, so many options. But we get to edit the recipe as we see fit. We get to create a dish all of our own to meet the needs and taste of our own palate.

If we don't vote and voice our opinions, our ingredient will be left out of the gumbo. The possibilities of a diverse mixture of ingredients(cultures and groups of people) will be left out of the recipe. Sometimes these recipes are lost forever, only to remain in someone's memory. Memories fade over time and we forget the fine details and the missing ingredients to recipes. I don't want that with this recipe. I want it etched in stone so that it will not be forgotten. I voted today. I have a voice. I have a wish and a dream.



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