Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yep, you're right, that is the one and only Paula Deen. And she will be making an appearance at my store on Friday, November 3 at 1:00pm. If she does not conjure up the word southern, I don't know who does. To me, Paula has that "something" that just makes you want to be in her presence. It has to be the fact that she is 100% genuine...She is who she is and makes no bones about it.

A few months back, before we moved to Nashville, I asked AJ a simple question, "If you could spend a day with one celebrity chef, who would it be?" My immediate thought was Paula Deen. Yes, this was before I even knew she was coming to the Greenhills Williams-Sonoma for a book signing. The book to the right is the one that she will be signing. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out that she would be visiting my store on a 37 stop tour. OMG. I am as giddy as June Cleaver with a bucket full of butt-holes....... So, we will be hosted an event that draws hundreds, if not a thousand or more. We will be cookin' up some of those good ol' recipes out of her new book and passing them around to the folks waitin' in line. Just a little sumthin to keepem occupied during there long wait. You see, her fans have been callin' my store for 6 weeks now in anticipation of her arrival. Every other phone call is a question regarding Paula. So, forgive me for not addin' any other ingredients to the gumbo for the past week or so, as ya'll can see, I been busy gettin' ready for my favorite celeb chef. I promise to add more savory ingredients after the visit. Who knows, there might even be a picture of me with the lovely lady.......


Blogger Skipper said...

well i don't know what tickles me more...the fact that Paula Deen is coming to visit you or the image of June Cleaver with a bucket full of buttholes

6:08 PM  

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