Monday, September 11, 2006

Today, among all others, I remember. I remember the moment it happened and where I was standing. Five short years have passed, rather quickly I might add. How have we changed as a nation? That is the question most people will ask. I pose this question to you, How have we changed as individuals? Our tendency is ask questions regarding the broader scope of things. We focus on what has changed, or not, in the whole instead of focusing on how we can change the parts that make up the whole. It goes back to the famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you, instead, as what you can do for your country. You see, we all complain that our government is complacent. But is it really them? We were amazingly united the day of, and those that followed the day of the attacks. No black or white or hispanic or chinese. No baptists or catholics or buddist or monks or athiests. No republicans or democrats or independants. We were one. What has happened since then. Did our government seperate us or did we, as individuals decide to draw the lines again? Sure, our government that WE have put into office and power probably are not pulling their weight in this never ending tug of war. I leave you with this: What if WE actually held them accountable for their actions, or lack there of? WE, the people of this mighty country, are the ones who actually put them in the positions that they hold. WE, the people of the wealthiest country on earth, continue to pay them large salaries to hold those positions. WE, the people, therefore run this country. We must speak up. No more, "My one little vote or voice won't count". Too many people think that way....Think what we, the people could accomplish if we all felt that each and everyone of our voices and votes counted. I REMEMBER.


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