Monday, September 18, 2006

I know, you are probably asking yourself, "Why does he have a picture of Carrie Underwood in this blog?" Well, as we all know, the gumbo dish consist of many ingredients, that is what gives it all of that fantastic flavour. So, my blogs shall be no different. Lots of ingredients into the pot. Now, back to the picture. As I was driving my usually route to work this last week, I flipped through the radio stations as I flip through magazines. A song by Carried Underwood was playing, so I decided to listen. Afterall, she IS an American Idol winner. The title of the song was "Jesus, take the wheel". If you have not heard it, please by the CD and listen. Or may not because it is a song that definately sticks with you, as I am about to attest to. Here is the story line:

The song tells the story of a young mother who lives a hectic life. On her late-night drive on a snow-covered road in Cincinnati, Ohio, the woman begins sorting out her emotions and bemoans not having enough time to do the things that really matter. Then, her car hits a patch of black ice, causing the woman to lose control of her car. She panics and cries out the title line of the song; shortly thereafter, she is able to regain control of the car and bring it to a stop. After taking stock of the situation (and seeing that her baby has remained fast asleep in the rear seat), the woman vows to give her life to Christ.(taken from a Carrie Underwood website)

Now, that song has been "playing" in my head every day since I listened to it. When I awake to walk the pup, it is playing. When I am going about my daily routine at work, it is playing. When I am, well, doing anything, it is playing in my head. Playing, playing, playing...........................

So, the question is: "Why?", Why is this song, or the lyrics, stuck in my head? Is the subconscience trying to tell me something about my life? Or, is someone upstairs watching over me, sending me a message about my secret doubts?

Often, in life, we put too much food on our plates. But damn, it looks so goooooood. Once the plate is full, we sit to eat and half way through the meal we say, "Man, I can't possibly finish all of this, I quess my eyes were bigger than my stomach". Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Or, am I letting self doubt be the conquerer? You that know me, know that I am a work-a-holic. I love my "job" and the company that I work for and the people that I work with. With this promotion/relocation, the ante has been up'd. There is more pressure from me to perform at a much higher level than ever before in my career. I "have" to succeed and show my self worth. I "have" to show all of those that have the faith in me that I am worthy of this position that I am in. I must be the best at what I do. The bar has been set and I must maintain that or raise it. These are all feelings that go through my "overloaded" brain on a daily basis. It just never stops. A constant flow of "stuff", if you will, that bombards me daily.

Do I have way too many ingredients for my gumbo? Are there just too many flavours working against each other? Was the roux not properly seasoned and cooked before the subsequential ingredients were added?

Maybe that is why "Jesus, take the wheel" is stuck in my head.............


Blogger Dustin said...

On a slightly-unrelated note: Carrie's whole CD is pretty dang good...she's got a very subtly powerful voice...

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. There is always a higher power at work...watching us, guiding us, giving us the power to create and live the life we are intended.

2. With great power, comes great responsiblity.

3. There is only one constant...change. One must be able to change with the flow of the universe.

and 4. Do you realize just how far and how successful you have become in just a few years? You have completely recreated yourself. Your spirit has been renewed and uplifted, you did it all by yourself...not by just waiting for it to happen, but by really rising to the occasion every's an honor to love you.

8:51 AM  

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