Monday, October 23, 2006

I would like to apologize to all of my fans for my lack of posts over the past couple of weeks. As you all know, the retail life gets drastically busy at this time of year. So, needless to say, I have been rather busy with all of the beginning hustle and bustle of the pre-holiday.

Last Friday was a rather long day at work. I closed down shop and got home shortly after 10:30PM. As always, I turned on the TV and "unwind". My love had prepared an absolutely delicous pot of beef stew via the All-Clad Slower Cooker. I dished myself up a bowl of the stew and grabbed a glass of milk and sat infront of the tube for awhile. Around midnight 30 I made my way to the bed and fell fast to sleep.

The following morning, AJ and Abby(our baby-boxer that is) allowed me to sleep in for a change. The heavy drapes had been drawn the night prior so the room was entirely dark. As the morning wore on, I began to arouse to the sound of said baby and the familiar and delightful sound of a spoon clanging against the side of a cup as coffee was being stirred. You know coffee is an absolute must for me every morning. As I lay there in the bed, I heard the gentle foot steps of someone enter the room. I slowly opened my eyes to see what was the matter and there before was my love with a fresh, piping hot cup of coffee and an envelope. He gently set the coffee and envelope on the side table, kissed me on the forehead, then turned and drew back the drapes. Not that my morning could have been any more perfect, but the view out of the that lay hidden behind the drapes was absolutely beautiful. I sprang from the bed, in full birthday suit, yes, I sleep in the all-together, and ran into the living room inquiring as to the location of the camera. Having finally found the camera, I ran back to the bedroom and took the above shot and those that follow. WOW. Who wouldn't love a view like this every morning?

Look at all of those beautiful fall colors. Absolutely delicous. Just more ingredients to nature' gumbo. I can only imagine what ingredients there are yet to come.

By the way, once I snapped the shots, I settled back into the bed to enjoy the view, and that delicous cup of coffee and read the most beautiful card. What a way to start the day.